外埔忘憂谷 Waipu Lotus Valley

  • 分類:外埔區/自然景觀
  • 地址:臺中市外埔區溪底路
  • Category:Waipu Districts/Nature and Tourism
  • Address:Xidi Rd., Waipu Dist., Taichung City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)




Beauty of the four seasons painted by Mother Nature

The Waipu Lotus Valley in Waipu District is a valley with bright green rice paddies from March to April and July to August, the rice turns golden in October to November, while there is a sea of pink garden cosmos from January to February. Like a canvas of Mother Nature, the vibrant colors of spring, green of summer, and gold of autumn harvests change according to the seasons, and the paths that wind through the valley take visitors on a fascinating journey.