臺中都會公園 Taichung Metropolitan Park

  • 分類:西屯區/公園綠地
  • 地址:臺中市西屯區都會園路1215巷140號
  • Category:Xitun Districts/Park and Greenway
  • Address:No. 140, Ln. 1215, Duhuiyuan Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407001, Taiwan (R.O.C.)



A green space with a rich ecosystem

The venue is designed with large open spaces and green areas, and is rich in natural landscapes and bird and insect ecosystems. Bicycle paths are connected in series for sports and leisure use, and there are also many other facilities, such as: a seed sundial for observing the time, a curved moon viewing corridor, and the circular amphitheater.