豐樂雕塑公園 Fongle Sculpture Park

  • 分類:南屯區/公園綠地
  • 地址:臺中市南屯區文心南五路一段331號
  • Category:Nantun Districts/Park and Greenway
  • Address:No. 331, Sec. 1, Wenxin S. 5th Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408009, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


豐樂雕塑公園為全臺首座公立雕塑公園,座落於向心南路、文心南七路、永春東一路、文心南五路之間,佔地達6 公頃。

A natural art sanctum in Taichung

Fongle Sculpture Park is the first public sculpture park in Taiwan. It is located between Xiangxin South Road, Wenxin South 7th Road, Yongchun East 1st Road, and Wenxin South 5th Road, and occupies 6 hectares of land.
The park has arch bridges, waterfalls, artificial lakes, pavilions, water-activity areas, children’s playgrounds, parkour areas, activity center, and trails.
The park also has a collection of 52 pieces of sculptures from past sculpture exhibitions and experienced sculptors in Taichung, which makes visiting the park like entering a natural art sanctum.
The film “Classmates Minus”, TV series “The Arc of Life”, and the advert for “Green Oil” all shot scenes here.