I'm Talato 塔拉朵義式冰淇淋餐廳 I'm Talato

  • 分類:西區/餐飲旅館
  • 地址:403台中市西區英才路451號
  • Category:/
  • Address:No. 451, Yingcai Rd., West Dist., Taichung City , Taiwan (R.O.C.)

I'm Talato 塔拉朵義式冰淇淋餐廳是臺中熱門打卡點,餐廳用粉嫩巨型冰淇淋打造夢幻泳池空間,讓人彷彿徜徉在繽紛的粉紅世界中,適合需要營造浪漫氛圍情境、情侶約會,或是朋友們相約下午茶的劇組拍攝,是不容錯過的最佳選擇!

I'm Talato Italian Ice Cream Restaurant is a popular spot in Taichung. The restaurant creates a dreamy pool space with pink giant ice cream, making people feel like they are wandering in a colorful pink world, suitable for creating a romantic atmosphere, a couple's date, or a film crew meeting friends for afternoon tea.