第六市場 Taichung Sixth Market

  • 分類:西區/市場商圈
  • 地址:403台中市西區健行路1049號3樓
  • Category:/
  • Address:3F., No. 1049, Jianxing Rd., West Dist., Taichung City 郵遞區號 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)

台中第六市場是『全台第一個開在百貨公司裡的菜市場』,位於金典百貨3樓,屏除傳統市場的髒亂及不衛生感,在提升環境之餘也保留市場人情味,環境以雪白小地磚搭配木質調休息桌椅,讓逛菜市場跟逛書局一樣舒服。想要拍攝新穎市場、逛街休憩的劇組,這邊是不容錯過的好選擇 !

Taichung Sixth Market is the "first food market in a department store in Taiwan", located on the 3rd floor of Jindian Department Store. It eliminates the messy and unhygienic feeling of traditional markets, and preserves the human touch of the market while improving the environment. If you want to shoot a new market or take a break from shopping, this is a good choice.