清水大楊原美軍油庫設施 Dayang Oil Depot

  • 分類:清水區/歷史建築
  • 地址:臺中市清水區楊厝里頂三庄路10-1號
  • Category:/
  • Address:No. 10-1, Dingsanzhuang Road, Yangcuo Village, Qingshui Dist., Taichung City Taiwán, R.O.C




開放時段內請逕洽大楊油庫教育推廣單位 楊厝社區發展協會 曾文君先生 協助開門進入參觀。


In 1962, Vietnam War broke out. To respond to the demands for the war with North Vietnam, the US armed forces used Ching Chuan Kang Airport as a logistic base. In 1966, seven oil depots were built at Yangcuo Village in Qingshui District near the base to provide fuel for the US fighters and B52 bombers. With the end of the Vietnam War and the diplomatic relations break-off in 1978, the role it played in military was gradually lost.The exterior forms a strong contrast with the surrounding green forest, and the rusty texture of the exterior brings out the traces of history, as shown in the photo; the picture is like a movie scene, giving people the feeling of towering. It is recommended for the crew's reference.