台中太陽麻花海 The Sea of Sunflower in Taichung

  • 分類:沙鹿區/自然景觀
  • 地址:台中市沙鹿區
  • Category:/
  • Address:Shalu District


The golden beauty of autumn and winter, in addition to the romantic larch and ginkgo, the common green fertilizer plant "sunflower" is also very popular, swaying golden flower spikes with the flight, as if in the movie scene, the highest can grow as tall as a person, walk into the flower bushes to take pictures is very moody, the yellow sunflower sea exudes enthusiasm, dazzling, just looking at it is very good therapy, very romantic recommended to Film and television group for the scene reference. The scene is located in the Shalu district of Taichung City, reminding the film crew who want to go to the shooting, the sisal field here is private land, you should inform the landowner to get permission before shooting, and keep the environment clean not to trample on the crops, and work together to protect the environment!