Mitsui Shopping Park LaLaport Mitsui Shopping Park LaLaport

  • 分類:東區/百貨商場
  • 地址:台中市東區進德路600號
  • Category:/
  • Address:No. 600, Jinde Rd., East Dist., Taichung City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

「Mitsui Shopping Park LaLaport」南北館店鋪面積超過 20,000 坪,「北館」以融入緊鄰的「湧泉公園綠意」作為視覺設計的元素,而「南館」設計則與台中市民生活日常所倚賴的「建國市場紅磚外牆」相互輝映。

「南館」與「北館」之間,於 2 樓、 3 樓規劃了銜接二館間移動的「連通空橋」,寬度 6 公尺,除了能分散人流,亦能縮短移動距離。3 樓部分刻意不加蓋屋頂,天氣晴朗時,緩步行走在空橋上還能仰望天空。

此外,位於 2 樓天幕空橋上方天花板內崁設置台灣首創 4K 解像度的大型 LED 螢幕,行走於空橋時還可同時欣賞大畫面播放藝術影音等多樣變化的影像 ,宛如身歷其境,沐浴在日本四季多彩的變化中,不用到日本也能直接體驗 。


Mitsui Shopping Park LaLaport Taichung is adjacent to the Taisan Sugar Ecological Lakeside Park. Inside the park, the old Taisan Sugar Factory with its historical and cultural value has been preserved, and after integrating nature and water sources into the renovation, it is a new landscape and green park in Taichung's eastern district, blending modernity and history. The park is divided into two buildings, the North Pavilion and the South Pavilion, with a large hinterland and a high ceiling design, making it ideal for filming for variety shows and movies.