頂魚寮公園 Dingyuliao Park

  • 分類:梧棲區/公園綠地
  • 地址:台中市梧棲區八德東路32號
  • Category:/
  • Address:No. 32, Ln. 98, Bade Rd., Wuqi Dist., Taichung City

頂魚寮公園 是台中梧棲人氣親子公園,近年更增加了兒童遊具,有3D海洋地景彩繪、花園迷宮、七彩椅、鯨魚溜滑梯及攀爬網等遊樂設施,適合親子一日遊,可搭配臺中市港區藝術中心清水眷村文化園區梧棲漁港、高美濕地、鰲峰觀景台等景點,串成台中海線一日遊。

Dingyuliao Park is a popular parent-child park in Wuqi, Taichung. In recent years, it has added children's play equipment, including 3D ocean landscape painting, garden maze, colorful chairs, whale slides, climbing nets and other recreational facilities. It is suitable for a day trip for parents and children. Combine it with Taichung City Port Art Center, Qingshui Military Village Cultural Park, Wuqi Fishing Port, Gaomei Wetland, Aofeng Observation Deck and other attractions to form a one-day trip to Taichung.