- 分類:后里區/百貨商場
- 地址:臺中市后里區福容路201號
- Category:Houli Districts/Department Store
- Address:No. 201, Furong Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City 421408, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
麗寶OUTLET MALL占地約5公頃,樓地板面積2.6萬坪,引進約200個品牌,還設立全台唯一的「寵物友善樂園」。最好吃最好買的Outlet,義大利Portofino(芬諾港)浪漫多彩外觀,匯集國內外運動休閒與流行品牌,日本北海道直送藥妝,伴手禮,與全台最大美食景觀餐廳等。
LIHPAO OUTLET MALL covers an area of about 5 hectares, with a floor area of 85,950 square meters. It offers around 200 brands and also has the only “pet-friendly park” in Taiwan. It’s an outlet for the best shopping and foodie experience, designed according to the romantic and colorful Portofino on the Italian Riviera. There is a collection of local and overseas sports and leisure and popular brands, cosmetic products and souvenirs delivered directly from Hokkaido, and the largest themed restaurant in Taiwan.