摘星山莊 Zhaixing Villa

  • 分類:潭子區/眷村古厝
  • 地址:臺中市潭子區潭富路二段88號
  • Category:Tanzi Districts/Historic Buildings
  • Address:No. 88, Sec. 2, Tanfu Rd., Tanzi Dist., Taichung City 427014, Taiwan (R.O.C.)



Century old four-section residence compound

Built in 1871, Zhaixing Villa was the old residence of a Qing Dynasty general. In front of the gatehouse, there is a flat and wide front courtyard and a half-moon pond. The main building is a traditional four-section compound with two levels and many side buildings, full of relief carvings, Cochin ware, and decorative paintings. The artistic beauty of historical architecture can be found everywhere.