麗寶國際賽車場 Lihpao Racing Park
- 分類:后里區/運動場所
- 地址:臺中市后里區月眉東路一段185號
- Category:Houli Districts/Sport Stadium
- Address:No. 185, Sec. 1, Yuemei E. Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City 421005, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
座落於麗寶樂園渡假區西區的國際賽車場,占地達53公頃,包含家庭娛樂中心-卡丁車場及其服務中心,以及即將取得國際FIA-CIK international級認證的1.5公里賽道;賽道設計囊括11種路線玩法,更從義大利引進頂級款卡丁車輛,開創國內最高規格的專業卡丁車場地。
佔地40公頃,其中興建1.5公里卡丁車賽道、F3國際賽車場以及國際級連鎖酒店。麗寶國際賽車場是台灣最高規格專業賽車場地,全台唯一通過國際汽車聯盟(FIA)、CIK 國際認證卡丁賽道,譽為「亞洲最佳卡丁賽道」,使用馬力最大義大利原裝進口卡丁車,是全台最長卡丁賽道。
Lihpao Racing Park, located in the west zone of Lihpao Resort, is a 53-hectare international racecourse. It includes a family entertainment center (karting track and its service center), and a 1.5-kilometer track that will soon be certified by the FIA-CIK international. The track is designed to offer 11 courses and top-of-the-range karts have been imported from Italy, creating the highest professional karting venue in Taiwan.
The 40-hectare site includes a 1.5-kilometer karting track, an F3 international racing circuit and an international hotel chain. Lihpao Racing Park is the highest standard professional racing venue in Taiwan and the only FIA and CIK certified karting track in Taiwan, also known as the “best karting track in Asia”. It is the longest karting track in Taiwan with the most powerful Italian imported karts.
Scenes from the film “Nezha” were shot here.