高美濕地 Gaomei Wetlands

  • 分類:清水區/自然景觀
  • 地址:臺中市清水區美堤街
  • Category:Qingshui Districts/Nature and Tourism
  • Address:No. 699, Meiti St., Qingshui Dist., Taichung City 436035, Taiwan (R.O.C.)




Walking between the sea and the sky

Gaomei Wetlands is famous for its wetland ecosystem and landscape. Walking along the wooden walkway, you can enjoy the view of wildlife and plants such as birds, crabs, clouds, forests and Yunlin sedges. In the distance, there are large wind turbines, the Gaomei Lighthouse, and the curved cross-sea scenic bridge. Visitors will be able to marvel at the vibrantly colorful and picturesque sceneries, whether it is a daytime view of the ocean or an evening view of the sunset.
Yuko Takeuchi, a famous Japanese actress, once filmed a shower gel commercial here.